Prescription Verification


Sclerablack is complied with rules and laws of countries and areas where our business involved. we have implemented a prescription verification system which complies with US FCLCA (FAIRNESS TO CONTACT LENS CONSUMERS).

We provide 2 ways to verify prescriptions:

1. Upload your copy of prescription.

First, You can give us your prescriber’s name and contact information (includes but not limited to a phone number, email address, and fax number) and allow us to contact them by fax/phone / email to verify the validity of your contact lens prescription

You can also upload your prescription copy and send it to our email "" to complete your order. We would be more than happy to assist you to find the best pair for your eyes.

The verification process takes 8 business hours and if no response received from your eye doctor, your contact lens prescription will be assumed as valid and your order will be processed and shipped.

2. Submit contact info of your eye care professional / optometrist / optician.

Kindly provide us with the necessary information, name and phone number of your eye care professional.

We will contact your eye care professional and verify the accuracy of the prescription. Your eye care professional has eight business hours to respond (extended to the immediate working day upon weekends or public holidays). If your eye care professional does not respond within the required time, the prescription is verified automatically, and we may process and ship your order.

How to Read Rx

RX Sphere Cylinder Axis BC  Dia
OD -2.75 -0.50 180 8.5 14.0
OS -3.00 -0.75 160 8.5 14.0


OD: OD stands for oculus dexter, the Latin phrase for “right eye.”

OS: OS stands for oculus sinister, the Latin phrase for “left eye.”

If both the left and right eye has the same diagnosis and prescription information, the abbreviation “OU” is used instead, or “ocular uniter,” meaning both eyes.

Sphere (SPH): This indicates the amount of lens power, measured in diopters (D), prescribed to correct myopia (nearsightedness) or hyperopia (farsightedness). The spherical power of a lens is indicated with a plus sign (+) for hyperopia and a minus sign (-) for myopia. Eyefreshgo only supplies Myopia lenses at the moment.

Cylinder (CYL): This indicates the amount of lens power for astigmatism. If no cylinder power is noted, either you’ve no astigmatism or your astigmatism is so slight that it is not really necessary to correct it with your eyeglass or lenses.

Axis: This describes the degree and direction of your astigmatism. The axis is a figure which determines the angle of the correction needed to see clearly, measured in degrees from 1 to 180.

Base Curve (BC): The base curve determines what type of fit is required for the lens to meet the curve of your eye. This is usually written in millimetres or sometimes with the words: flat, median or steep.

Diameter (DIA): The diameter of a lens determines what length of width that best fits your eye. It measures the width of a lens in millimeters, from end to end.

Please use the form below to upload all required information: